About Us
Calvert Nursery School is a state accredited Nursery School and was established in 1970 by a group of parents wanting to bring their young children together in a learning environment for group activities and experiences. Our classroom is in the building adjacent to Trinity United Methodist Church.
Our Philosophy of Education
We strive to provide a warm, happy environment where the children can both begin to develop self-discipline and at the same time give vent to his/her own curiosity and creative abilities.
“Play is our brain’s favorite way of learning.”
— Diane Ackerman
The basic tenet of parent participation and cooperation gives the school its unique quality and has allowed it to flourish over the years. Calvert Nursery School is proud of its cooperative nature. Parental involvement is the most vital element in the operation of the school. Parents take turns functioning as the helping adult within the classroom, as well as supporting school activities through classroom maintenance, committee participation, and the sharing of special interests. As a result:
Parents model the importance and value of school through their direct participation in classroom activities.
The ample opportunity for communication allows parents and teachers to work together toward common goals for the children and the school.
Young children may experience an easier transition into the classroom environment.
Our tuition rates are comparatively low.